Friday, September 21, 2018

Color Week **T/TR Class

Hello Families! First, a huge thanks to all who turned in Flower Power orders today :) These fundraisers help us provide the wonderful, educational materials needed to grow little minds!

Color week was a blast. We played lots of games and sang songs to help us identify colors. We also explored mixing colors using paint at the easel and colored ice cubes. We put yellow/blue cubes in a bowl and watched them melt into green, red/blue cubes melted into purple, and red/yellow cubes melted into orange. We also made our names in rainbow colors and worked on using the glue sticks properly & following 1-2 step directions. We worked on identifying the letters in their names. For now, they aren't putting the letters in order exactly (it is pretty comical!) our main concern is identifying those letters for most kiddos and the fine motor skills using the glue sticks.

We read "Bear sees colors" and "Dog's color day". The kids enjoyed our colorful fruit and veggie science circle Thursday! We made observations about how the food looked/smelled/felt/sounded. Then, we cut open each food (cucumber, green pepper, red pepper, and apples) and looked for seeds and made observations about the inside. We talked about how each one tastes and some friends shared whether they liked those foods or not! :)

Next week -- Apple Week. We will kick off autumn with a week of apple-fun. Some activities may include how apples grow, pretend apple orchard, apple pie sensory bin, & apple tasting!

We had to arch some names to fit our letters! 

Admiring the color of our TLC flowers!

Jack said "they smell pretty good"  :)

Making cake in the mud kitchen

Sand play - getting that sensory input!

Waffle blocks - building, problem solving, and team work!

Drawing on the vertical easel helps with future writing skills!

Rainbow rice was a HIT !!!

Gear painting on pink/green day.

This was messy but fun!

They thought using the paint brushes upside down was fun! 

Sorting, counting, and eating goldfish :)

Colorful snack

Beautiful day for bikes and chalk outside

Passing the apple around 

They all agreed the red pepper smelled "spicy" 

Discussing how the green pepper is smooth and squeezable. 

Mixing colors with paint. 

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