Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Tea Tuesday Dec. 18

A HUGE thank you to our families for attending Christmas Tea today :)
Your children did a wonderful job singing and they seemed to enjoy their cookies (of course!).

I only got a couple of photos today. I hope you were able to take some as well.
Have a peaceful, fun-filled break and we will see you all on Thursday, Jan. 3rd.

Making candy canes last week

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas Prep Week 2 T/TR Class

Hello! We had a busy week preparing for Christmas Tea together. I was so impressed with how "into" the gift making and learning songs the kids were. It was very sweet to hear them excitedly talking about how proud their parents would be. We have a good group!

Just a few pictures from this week...We read Christmas books, practiced our songs, finished our gifts, wrapped them, and made some Magic reindeer food for them to take home and use on Christmas eve. *Note...they should NOT eat the food (it is for Reindeer!) because it has birdseed in it. Hopefully everyone kept their instructions stapled to their bags.

We had chapel time with Pastor Chris and completed our science experiment with candy canes. They dipped them in Hot, Room Temp, and Cold water to see which would dissolve first. The hot one!

Have a nice weekend!
See you all Tuesday.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas Preparations Week 1 *T/TR Class

This week we decorated invitations for our class party, made jingle bells and started learning our Christmas songs. We read Careful, Santa! and A New Friend for Bear. The kiddos also enjoyed playing with the little people nativity set, pretend cookie baking in our kitchen, and decorating (& re-decorating) the classroom tree! 

I asked the kids to name some of Santa's reindeer. We got lots of "Rudolph" and a few creative answers :) I also asked them "What do elves do?" and got some interesting responses as well. Check out our big sheet of answers outside the classroom door!

We will continue with our Christmas theme next week. We will be using the donated items you sent in for a candy cane science experiment and we will be making some magic reindeer food for them to use on Christmas eve. 

Please check their cubbies/folders/backpacks for their Christmas Tea invitations! We need to know how many parents/grownups will attend per child by next Friday.

A reminder that we try to get the kids outside for at least a little while each day. Please make sure they have warm coats/hats/layers for this. Getting them outside is not only good practice for putting on/taking off winter-clothing....that cool, fresh air and sunlight is good for their health this time of year too. 

Making our invitations 

These kids LOVE putting paint on their hands!

Fine motor - Threading bells onto pipe cleaners 

Time in the gym...making obstacle courses. 

Gingerbread scented playdough. THANKS, Ms. Rebecca! 

Decorating Christmas tress for our bulletin board. 

Enjoying some sun and exercise 

Christmas Week 1 MWF*

We started talking about Christmas this week in our classroom.  We read the books Mooseltoe, Merry Christmas Big Hungry Bear, and Dinosaur Christmas.  We created Christmas trees with dots and star stickers, made gingerbread men out of foam, and began creating our parent gifts.  We played with gingerbread scented Play-Doh and pretended to bake cookies in the dramatic play area.  We made jingle bells to use during our Christmas Tea.  We have been practicing very hard on our songs that we are singing for the Christmas Tea.
There are not many pictures on this week's blog because we don't want to give away the surprise of your gifts.
Just a reminder our Christmas Tea is on December 17th at 10am in our classroom.  We will open the classroom doors for guests at 9:45.  If you have not let us know how many will be attending for your child, please do so as soon as possible.